Trenser Opens 3rd Delivery Center in Technopark
Trenser opened its 3rd facility in Gayatri Building, Technopark, a dedicated Delivery Center for Digital Services.
Trenser opened its 3rd facility in Gayatri Building, Technopark, a dedicated Delivery Center for Digital Services.
Trivandrum, 20th June, 2022
With the consistent growth achieved in the past five years and continuing strong business forecasts, we established our third delivery center in Gayatri Building, Technopark, on 15th June 2022. It is a 200-seater facility with a plush ambiance and state-of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate immediate business expansion plans. This facility is set up exclusively for our “DIGITAL ENGINEERING SERVICES”, a fast-growing business line in our portfolio.
The collective effort and outstanding contributions of Trensians propel our journey forward. We congratulate each Trensian for their triumphs.